We are investing in a new 9 mm.! Of coarse it won't be a 9 mm for very long. I had my first drs. appointment yesterday. Their new standard procedure is to do an ultrasound at the beginning and then one at 18 weeks. Daddy was so proud when the nurse said the baby was about 9 mm long. He of course compared it to the 9 mm handgun bullet! The heart was beating! Now I know it is official! Due date is set for Oct 15. Yeah! not a September baby! The kids were disappointed that they did not get to see the ultrasound being done, but when ID saw the pitures he exclaimed that it is disgusting anyway! Yesterday I was estimated at 6 weeks and 6 days. So I guess I am officially seven weeks today.
I have been feeling pretty good. Mostly exhausted and quite emotional. I only get sick if I have to clean a dirty nose or brush my kids teeth. So far so good. I am a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde most of the time. I hope this part doesn't last much longer (ha,ha)! The only thing I seem to enjoy right now is reading my Twilight series with RD ( my Edward). We made it through the first two books and are almost halfway through my favorite, the third.
Speaking of brushing teeth, all 3 kids had a dentists appt. today. It took 1 1/2 hours to do all three! JD and AD were in really good shape. ID on the other hand- the dental lady said she had never seen so much plaque and tartar on a kid! (He actually is the best brusher too, go figure) Happily and relieved, we were cavity free (sorry Katherine!)!
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