Friday, December 12, 2008

"Dish'n" it out

You know how you spend the first few years of your marriage gatheringhousehold items, particularly kitchen stuff? Why do we buy so many glass things, especially when we plan to have kids. The following image is a good example of why we should buy plastic. The boys have had the chore of unloading the dishwasher for a while now. They do a pretty good job, especially considering they're boys. But they do tend to put things away in the wrong place at times. (This is where patience on my part has to come in everyday!) Many times my larger serving bowls (a bowl that is 3x the serving size of a regular cereal bowl) will be put away on top of the smaller cereal bowls, they are bowls after all. This is precisly what happened here. I opened the cabinet, got a plate, closed the cabinet, and a few short seconds later this serving bowl came flying out of the cabinet, bounced off the counter, hit the table, and finally shattered on the floor. It was the most impressive shattered glass I have yet to see! Of course I was standing right there bare foot. RD was across the kitchen and was hit by shards of the bowl. I was just observing today how few matching glasses I have in my cubburd since the kids have been using them! The pictures really do little justice to the actual scene.

We were finishing dinner the other day and JD exclaimed-"there's
a dinosaur in your cup!" Sure enough the left over foam from RD's
root beer had a skeletal look of a T-Rex skull. The kids were super impressed. It was
sadly washed away seconds later.
We had to document it, no one would believe us.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Some things we've been do'in

We have recently discovered a game the kids are crazy about.
Niether RD or I can play it worth a darn!
JD with his incredible flexability wins every time!
A recent trip to Lone Elk Park.

We went to the Science Center (after a few children begged) the
day after Thanksgiving. We got to meet a real astronaut, Robert Behnken.
He went into space last March and spent a few weeks on the Space Station. RD
and I were more impresses than the kids. Maybe one day they will
appriciate it. ID told me he never wants to go into space because you can blow up when
taking off. I guess that was one story I should not have told him about.
We were so proud of JD, this is the first time in the many
years we have come here
that he was not afraid of the dinosaurs! He was quite proud of himself too.
He insisted on having our picture taken.
When I asked why he was afraid before. He said, "I was too little, now I'm not!"
