Sunday, March 15, 2009

The last shall be first....

Having three children one would think by the time you have the fourth you have experienced most of the baby experiences. SD is definitely our last child and ironically he is the first in a few experiences for us. Along time ago (actually just 5 months ago) when SD was 2 weeks old he was the first to completely poo all over daddy while daddy was so graciously changing his diaper. He has since then peed all over his own face at least twice while mommy was changing his diaper, he didn't enjoy either of those. Most recently he was the first of our kids to ever be hospitalized for pneumonia, actually the first to have pneumonia at all. We spent 4 days in the oh so comfy hospital. The worst part for me and him was probably the IV. We had pretty good nurses overall. I watched a lot of TV and did not feel guilty about just sitting still. RD was able to bring me food most of the time. Poor little SD didn't feel like eating too much so he actually lost over a pound (another first)! I am incredibly blessed to have many wonderful friends that helped us out with my other kids while I was away. I thank them all for their generosity, care, and concern!We have been home for a week and have survived the multitude of medications. He has been on steroids (another first), and how many antibiotics? The lovely antibiotics have the wonderful side effect of diarrhea. Which leads to the last first. I was just sitting at the computer on Face book and holding SD on one leg. I heard him grunt and then a splat. He actually pooed out of his diaper onto the floor. As I was changing his diaper I said "SD that was very gross!" He just looked at me and smiled. He is such a sweety. He can light up the room with his smile and can make anyone laugh with him. I realize most of our "first experiences" with him have been of the poopy nature, hopefully in the future we will have more pleasant, less messy and stinky, "firsts" with him.
