Monday, January 28, 2008

Potatoes, Potatoes, Potatoes

So I just spent a weekend in the state of potatoes (although I didn't actually see many potatoes myself)! Most of my friends have exclaimed, "What do you want to go to Idaho for?" Obviously the state of Idaho is not well known as an exciting state of the union to visit. But I will, one day, leave here (I had to stay an extra day due to airline inefficiency) and remember it as a very fun and esthetically pleasing place to visit, thanks to my mom and two sisters! It has been refreshing to be in open space with mountains in the distance. One mountain in particular that the gals and I spent an evening tubing down (maybe I should word it screaming our heads off down). That was a blast! It has been a while since i have sped down a huge hill on anything and i'm sure it has been even longer for mom. But we braved it and managed to take out only one small kid! The scariest part was actually the drive up the mountain, but JC (our weekend chauffeur) got us there in safety!
I also got to meet my newest nephew, the ever so cute Philip, Jr (ha ha, not actually his name, just a person he resembles!). He was all cute and sweet, I think it helped being the only kid with 4 women and a most patient uncle to coo over him. I think uncle RC enjoyed him the most!
I got to go to a wonderful chic flick, stuff myself at the Olive Garden, spend money at a Deseret book store, laugh myself silly playing the ImaginIff board game, and tease my younger sister all without a thought of having to think of getting a babysitter, lecture about keeping ones hands to themselves, or yell at anyone in public! I have forgotten what it's like to think about going somewhere and actually just go. It was definitely A MUCH NEEDED break for me! For this I have to pour out thanks to my wonderful hubby RD. This would not have been at all possible if it weren't for him! THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have missed him and my wonderful kids, that has been the only downer.
Although I am not taking any potatoes home with me, I will be taking many great memories and a better and closer relationship with my mom and sisters!


Anonymous said...

You are a natural at this! Thanks for your great message and I am so glad you all made it. I am sooo glad you are getting home today. Loveya

Katherine Ronachert said...

good times. sorry i missed it. speaking of your darling rd or fd or whatever, i ran across a fancy picture of his better side? i'm not sure if you remember this picture, does moon over my hammy ring a bell? lol.

Katherine Ronachert said...

dear surprised i'm online,
i'm seriously missing reading some posts. you can't leave me hanging like this!
much love,
the blog world
(ps thanks for housing us over the weekend)

Karine said...

Looks like you had a blast. I am so glad you got the much needed time with your family. I remember those days.... needing to be with my family and not the ones that clung to me. Glad you were able to come out.
