We are just overcoming the latest winter storms today. The boys were out of school for two days in a row again! We didn't even go out to play in the snow, though it was perfect. I think we are all tired of the cold and ready for the spring to begin! This past weekend did not help our spring fever. Saturday we sat outside in the warm beautiful weather eating our bar-b-que. ID was of course eating hot dogs. For one reason or another his h.d. got cold. I told him to warm it in the microwave for 10 seconds. He left to do this. I had no concerns because he has done this many times. A few minutes later I decided to take somethings inside. To my utter astonishment and horror, ID was still warming his h.d. Smoke was billowing out of the microwave, ID was just standing there waiting patiently. When I saw the time left on the microwave it was at 6 minutes and 40 seconds. He got the 10 right, just not in seconds! The stench was unbearable itself (the smell took me way back to the time my mother had found a mouse burned to death in the insulation between the stove and oven.)! 4 days later my house still reeks of burned dog. It's hard to explain exactly what it looked like. It was quite black, rather large, and completely dried out. Quite inedible! I'm pretty sure we will need to get a new microwave because every time we use it- it emits the horrid smell. ID will be under better supervision for his future microwave uses!
So when is a hot dog too hot?
Maybe when it's beyond recognition and creates it's own air freshener ( maybe air non freshener)!
Switching blogs
15 years ago
you made my day! two posts! i almost cried (this is an exaggeration) i did however laugh till my stomache hurt! can't wait to see you all over easter!
Ethan did that with a piece of pizza. It was so black! heat a piece of lemon or put some baking soda in it for a while. Hope you can get the smell out. I think hot dog would be worse than pizza. It also reminded me of when I tried drying out 800.00 dollars in the micro wave. If I hadn't been standing there it would have burned up.
really! why did you try to dry the money that way? that is funny! i'd never thought to stand by the microwave and would have ended up really ticked off. i probably would have tried throwing it in the dryer which would have just wasted a bunch of electricity (ie money!)
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