Friday, April 18, 2008

This is a test, this is only a test-or maybe not!

I'm sure most have heard of the earthquake that shook the Midwest this morning! It was about 4:30am, I had actually gone to bed at 10:00 last night so I could get a good night sleep! But that was not to be so. I woke up to the bed shaking, the windows rattling, and it looked like the entire house was shaking! I was instantly alert and I interpreted it to be a tornado. I'm sure there was a loud noise also. I jumped out of bed and ran to the boys room to wake them up. I shook JD first in the top bunk and then proceeded to pull ID out from the bottom, which he then fell to the floor. I frantically told him to go downstairs. Then I shook JD some more. Then I thought of AD in my bed. By this time I noticed nothing else was happening, so my heart rate dropped slightly. I think ID had actually gone to the kitchen. I hurried to my room and scooped up AD. Then I met up with ID in the kitchen (JD still sound asleep). ID was asking why we had to go downstairs and I was a bit confused. I realized nothing else was happening so I let ID go back to bed and laid AD back in my bed. But don't think I was able to go to sleep so fast! I began wondering if I had dreamed it all up. I turned on my kitchen radio to the TV stations. No one was saying anything about it, so I almost gave up. Then a breaking news came on and announced a 5.4 quake about 127 miles east of us in Illinois or Indiana (it has been knocked down to a 5.2). Then I turned the TV on and the news was just coming on about it. People had been calling the stations non-stop to find out what was going on. At least I wasn't the only confused one, but I do wonder if anyone else mistook it for a tornado!
This was definitely a small glimpse of one of my biggest fears; that something catastrophic would happen in the middle of the night while Frank is at work with me alone with the kids. Luckily everyone and everything is fine. Nothing even fell off the walls! Frank rode it out at work. He thinks it was neat. This only reminded me of the importance of having our food storage and especially our 72 hour kits. I hate being reminded this way! But I am committing myself to do better with it and at least get our kits done!

1 comment:

Katherine Ronachert said...

oh how i laughed that frankie darling thought it was great! so like a boy! i also loved that jd slept through the entire thing... need i say so like a boy again?
