After a new baby, too many parties and way too much candy(which is already gone) we are happy to say that Halloween is over!
(I have no idea why it is all underlined! Can't seem to change it either.)
This is was our "haunted hallway". JD wanted us to do this. My mom was here waiting for SD to arrive and she did most of it. This is consequently one of the last things I was doing before I went to the hospital to have SD. It was much more impressive in person! ID and the cat had to pose for the pic.

JD as Optimus Prime.He was quite disappointed that he couldn't actually transform.
Maybe next year, I will be supermom and find a way to make that possible!

AD as Wonder Woman. I had no idea she knew who wonder woman
is. But once she saw the costume, she would have
no other. She wore the suit on and off for many days. I once asked her while she was wearing it to throw away a dirty diaper and she said, "I will throw it away because that is what superhero's do and I'm a good superhero!"

ID as a pterodactyl! He was a good sport and settled for this costume. He originally
wanted to be a scary pumpkin with long terrifying vines and a mean face. He was very understanding that mom was a little preoccupied this year.