Don't let him fool you- it's midday,
not the middle of the night!

1 month old!

His favorite expression

I just told him how much he looks like his daddy!
SD's way of saying
"I'm bored with this picture taking stuff!"
(I actually yawned as big after I added this pic)

Big sis helping with the bath. He usually really loves
his baths.
AD took this pic.Is this Don
Knotts reincarnated?

I've seen this face before

Hard days work can do that to ya!
I never realized how freaky the dogs eyes are on the
I am so empressed that you can get so many different faces on such a little cute guy! I can't wait to hold him...
he looks so much like his daddy! elliott and i both were so amazed!!!
Oh yeah he looks like his daddy! Poor kid!!!
He is beautiful!
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