Monday, May 26, 2008

Trying out the new toy!

Hey we finally got a new digital camera! We had a great opportunity today to use it. JD being part of the cub scouts we were able to participate in the Memorial Day Good Turn day at Jefferson Barracks Memorial Cemetery. The scouts in the area spent a few hours putting a flag on every grave to honor the veterans to observe Memorial day. We didn't actually stay for the whole ceremony but we made sure to put flags on grandpa McC's and uncle BAD's father's graves. The kids seem to enjoy it although they didn't quite get the purpose. JD put the flag on grandpa's, ID put the flowers we had brought, and AD put the flag on BAD's dad (with the help of her foot!). After I had explained that the people were buried in the graves under our feet, I was telling the kids a bit about grandpa McC serving in the navy during WWII on a carrier fighting the Japanese. Then I explained how he had many tractors and dump trucks all the time to run his excavating business. ID was very interested in the tractors. He asked if he had a tractor for moving hay and I said he mostly had tractors that moved the earth around. He was slightly disappointed in this. He was sitting on the ground right next to the grave for this conversation. He then bent down as if talking to grandpa and said "You really should have a tractor for doing hay!"

I do feel a little morbid taking pictures at a cemetery, but it is good proof that we actually did it!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Thanks for putting a flag on Husband's Dad's grave. We will do that someday when we are back there for the holiday.
I took pics there too and I felt the same way when I did it but now I am glad to have the photos.
The kids are growing so fast. I was just thinking, you are pretty much doing what M&D did having kids except opposite. #boys 1 girl, and not so far in bewteen.
But hey it worked for them.
Love JDD

Katherine Ronachert said...

what a sweet story about id and his great grandpa!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you got a sweet new camera! Thats post some pics that are less morbid okay! No really, I loved this post and I seriously started balling..?...well it is me...

Anonymous said...

hey farrah, we are finally on line. you will have to email me because i don.t know your email address. love mom
