Monday, April 28, 2008

Another rude awakening!

Sunday, the day of rest?
I had another highly rude awakening just yesterday, luckily RD got to experience this one too! We were nestled all snug in our bed, taking a much needed Sunday afternoon nap when all of the sudden yells of ID rang through the house. RD heard the blaring of the smoke detector first and then registered the words "FIRE, FIRE" as ID ran into our room(I wish I could simulate how loud he was yelling). RD was out of bed first making a dash for the door only to run into a badly misplaced hamper, in turn crashing to the floor in quite a heap. I jumped out of bed just as he hit the floor with a huge thud (the floor shaking much like our recent quakes)! I ran out of my room, quite dazed, completely expecting to see smoke. ID and AD had made it out the front door by this time, who knows where JD was. RD was with me as we ran down the stairs. The smoke detector still blaring with no hint of smoke anywhere. We frantically ran all over the basement to look for what was setting off the alarm, but found absolutely nothing! RD finally disconnected the alarm and the kids had come back inside (I still cannot remember where JD had been through all of this).
Luckily this was a false alarm and everyone is fine. RD has the worst from it; a fairly skinned up knee and quite a few sore muscles and joints. I just wish I could have seen the scene from an outsider's view. It had to be quite hilarious to see us running about not quite awake, looking for something that wasn't there!


Anonymous said...

Ok...I just left a really long comment and then it was lost. grr...
Hilarious about RD; can totally picture it. Interesting theory about Twilight. I think it could be a possibility. And your kids are smart to run outside!

Anonymous said...

You have me in stitches!!! I can see Fd falling in the hallway!!! You should write more of these little mishaps.
Love Ya

Katherine Ronachert said...

lol funny! i was talking to my sister when i read that and she was telling me a "serious" story. imagine her disgust when i was cracking up! mental note, do not read your blog during "serious moments"!
how rd? ha ha ha!
